Episode 3: Opportunity Evaluation

David Cohen - Episode

David Cohen

Episode 3 features the co-founder of what became the models for accelerators all around the world, David Cohen(@davidcohen).  TechStars, originated in Boulder, Colorado which over the years ballooned into a massive technological hub, in many parts due to the work of David.

While at this current end point, David has achieved success, his story is not a smooth one, something quite common for all entrepreneurs.

David’s first business, Pinpoint Technologies was a success and sold six years into it being founded. Looking back on the deal he mentions that he could have doubled his exit value if he had the right advisory around him. It was this experience that later one played into the formation of TechStars.

His second venture was a colossal failure and was shut down within a year, in fact David mentions that the company made more money when it sold the rights to the name than it did when it was operational.

This placed him in what David sees as the greatest position of an entrepreneur.

“As an investor, this is my favorite Entrepreneur to back, one and one. Proven and mad as hell.”

There’s a general consensus about the importance of failure for entrepreneurs, as a means of learning from your mistakes. Lessons, after all are only learned with failure.

This point made by David, expands on that concept a little bit. For him it was failure that provided him with knowledge, but also a spark to prove to the world that he could do it again. At the same time it was success that proved to him that he could accomplish his future task.

David goes on to talk about other topics including the importance of evaluating opportunities presented as well as how vital advisers can be for young entrepreneurs.

And to hear even more stories of struggle and success visit TechStars.TV which follows some of the companies within the TechStars facilities in 5 cities around the United States.